Monday, April 5, 2010

Grade 1: Thoughts on the Commercials Lesson, Class 1-1

Q: Did you enjoy the lessons on commercials?

"I think the commercials lessons are fun. Because, through this class, I can see 'American commercials,' and I get a confidence in this class."

"I enjoyed commercials because other team's commercial was fun and other team danced"

"Yes, I enjoyed the commercials lessons. Because the commercials lessons was very active and funny."

"I enjoyed, because we performed very well. And other students' commercials are very funny so I enjoyed watching it."

"I enjoyed watching commercial but little bit nervous about playing commercial. I'm usually shy so it was big decision to speak with loud voice."

"Yes, I did, because this lesson was fresh and new experience. I think it's good."

"No. Because my group isn't ready to perform, and one is not memorize either. But watching other commercials is very fun."

"I think it was intriguing. Because we don't have much chance for performing. But my opinion is a little different. I think watching movie clips and free talking much better than performing."

"Of course. Because we speak in English at least one sentence and there are some humor. So I want to enjoy commercial lessons if I have a chance."

"It was okay, but I think I was shy and I took mistakes. I'll do better next time."

"Yes, because it was new concept for me."

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